Samsung Next Mobile Economy

How will technology alter the way we conduct business in the future? TED and Samsung have partnered together in 2018 to explore this question and introduce the TED audience to the Next Mobile Economy. This year-long partnership began with multiple, forward-thinking events at TED2018 and concluded with a custom Samsung Business salon in New York City.

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Recap of TED2018 Partnership

TED2018 The Age of Amazement created a framework to embrace bold ideas and creative visions. Samsung’s partnership expanded this dialogue by highlighting the rapidly changing landscape of mobile technology and how it will impact future business in the Next Mobile Economy.

Over the course of our five-day program, TED brought visibility to the key developments driving the future. Samsung’s partnership contributed by creating space for attendees to explore mobile technology. Together, they hosted a series of workshops where attendees provided interesting and thoughtful insights for the industry's future and the positive implications it can have for real world solutions.

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Samsung: image

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The mobile industry is changing yet again. In the past we had IoT, AI, we had edge computing, AR, VR. Now it’s time to connect them so business can truly make use of them all
SJ Hahn, EVP, Head of Global Mobile B2B Team, Samsung Electronics


Samsung and TED's partnership highlighted bold new ideas about the Next Mobile Economy, and in the spirit of Ideas Worth Spreading, captured the following insights at TED2018.

What does the Next Mobile Economy mean to your life?

Society 5.0 Salon

Samsung Logo

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