Renewing your event

So you want to organize another TEDx event? You’ll need to complete your post event requirements, think about your next event, and then re-apply.

Completing your post event requirements

Before you apply to renew an event, it is required that you complete your post event requirements —this includes uploading videos, photos and updating your event page. We’ll take the completeness of these tasks into consideration when you apply to renew your license.

Planning for future events

When you’re thinking about future TEDx events for your community, it’s important to keep in mind event sustainability. Questions such as:

  1. Do I have the capacity and/or desire to organize next year’s event? The year after?
  2. Is there someone on my team (like a co-organizer or understudy) who would be able to replace my role as primary organizer?
  3. How can I support certain team members in learning more about how to organize an event, for when I decide to pass my leadership on?

Here are some ways to effectively plan for future TEDx events:

Choose a few people who would be best qualified to take over.

Identify future successors and invest time in them to learn the ins and outs of organizing an event. These individuals should be your most dedicated, hard-working, and passionate TEDx team members.

Give them “practice” leadership opportunities.

Encourage leadership growth by increasing their roles in decision-making power as time goes by. Also give them specific opportunities to practice their leadership — let them manage a salon or lead a team meeting.

Bring them to a TED Conference.

A great way to actively support future successors is to help them attend a qualifying TED Conference. Giving them the experience will get them excited and invigorated about the idea of organizing a TEDx event one day. Oftentimes, TEDx organizing teams will do this by agreeing to use leftover or designated funds given by sponsors for their ticket.

Applying for renewal

In order to renew your license, you will need to submit an application for renewal. Regardless of the status of the license, your renewal application will need to provide a proposal for the upcoming event. For example, what type of ideas and presentations will you be seeking for the next event? Have you considered a new theme? Brainstorm ideas for talks before you reapply. This gives us an idea of how this event will continue to develop your TEDx community.

  • If your license is still active, you can click ‘Renew’ next to your TEDx event name when logged into your profile’s TEDx events page. Please note: if your license is still active, this is the only way to apply for that event name. It will otherwise be marked as ‘unavailable’ until the license has expired.
  • If your license has expired, you will need to submit a new application for that name.
  • Please note, once your license has expired, the event name will become open to other prospective organizers in your city. To ensure that the incredible innovations and ideas from your area continue to have a stage, we may license the name to someone else if they apply.

TEDx Tips
  • Manage transition gracefully. It can be hard to pass on leadership when your successor might do things differently than you. Let them step into their own style of leadership, and help guide them along the way.
  • Don’t let the momentum subside after your event — consider hosting TEDx Salon events, TED talk-only events, or simulcast events that are easy to organize for your team and keep your community engaged in between your events with live speakers.
  • Always brainstorm ideas for talks for future events! Continue to research for new ideas, arguments, suggestions and interesting points so you always have an answer to the question: What ideas do you hope to cover in your next event?