Feby Ramadhani
Graduating with Communications and Media Studies of Universitas Indonesia in 2015, Feby left Jakarta to work at Kopernik, a Bali-based social enterprise that connects simple, life-changing technologies to the most remote parts of the developing world. She's passionate about writing, traveling, and story telling.
Gede Yuda Sugiarta
Gesyada Siregar
Catering art into her day-to-day life, Ms. Gesyada Namora Siregar is undoubtedly a passionate devotee of art. Currently taking fine arts as her major at Jakarta Institue of Arts, she remains to prolong her pursuit. She was the curator of 'Buka Warung', a young female artist collective from Jakarta and taking a role in Jakarta 32°C, an art aspiring Jakarta-based student networking through forum and art festivals.
Muhaimin Iqbal
Muhaimin Iqbal is the Initiator and founder of iGrow.Asia, the one of top 10 The Hottest Companies by Silicon Valley Biz Journal. Aside of iGrow Asia, Mr. Iqbal currently manages multi division organization in agricultural business, agroforestry, bio-technology, biomass energy, information technology, property, trading and social entreprises. He wrote 16 published books in many fields, mostly in agricultural business.
Rafi Putra Arriyan
Arriyan, or best known as Ari, is the founder of Flip.id. He graduate from Faculty of Computer Science of Universitas Indonesia in 2011, and founded his company, Flip, which mission is to eliminate bank transfer fee. Along with tech as his expertise, Ari attempts to put this country into a more developed state by bringing forward a prominent idea in establishing a no-fee bank transfer system to push forward our country's economic activities.
Raldi Artono Koestoer
Mechanical engineering and philanthropist
Rhenald Kasali
Prof. Rhenald Kasali is a tenured professor of economics in Universitas Indonesia. He decided to focus on social phenomenon and founded Yayasan Rumah Perubahan, a social entrepreneurship incubator with the purpose of pushing Indonesia's vast reformation.
Prof. Kasali has just been awarded as "Global Gurus in Management 2016" by The Global Gurus Foundation. This award established him as a top-notch economist along with Philip Kotler (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University), Clayton Christensen (Harvard Business School), and Michael Porter (Harvard) among other awardees.