简介:字山岩,号戴云山人。中国山水画家、地质学家,山水地质学(Artgeology)及康画学派创始人,南京大学唯一的双学科教授(地质学教授 美术学教授),曾任南京大学东方书画艺术研究中心副主任、主任,主持研究中心工作长达17年(1987一2004)。兼任中国岩画研究中心研究员、印度英?甘地国立艺术中心顾问。
Professor Kang Yu-yi, alias Shanyan, also alias Daiyunshanren, whose surname is Kang, is a master artist of Traditional Chinese Landscape Painting(TCLP). He is the founder of Artgeology --- a branch derived from art and geology --- and the founder of Kang Painting School. He is a creative geologist, the only scholar at NanJing University, China who owns two professor titles.
SiChao Wang
王思潮:1963年北京大学地球物理系天体物理专业毕业,之后在紫金山天文台工作。 中国科学院南京紫 金山天文台研究员、UFO专家、行星天文学家。 王思潮先生从1970年开始在我国天文界开展陨石研究,开展了7次陨石的科学考察,收集到我国首次的珍贵的宁强碳质球粒陨石。1971年9月16日 因为一次特殊的经历,开始了我国不明飞行物(UFO)和地外文明的研究, 对我国螺旋状、扇状、光团状UFO等八类不同类型 UFO进行了深入研究。是UFO进行定量的科学分析的提出者。
Wang Sichao, a researcher with the Zijin Mountain Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, UFO expert, planetary astronomer, has held a position in Zijin Mountain Observatory since he graduated from Beijing University in 1963, with a degree in Astrophysics professional of Department of Geophysics.He has been doing the research of Meteorite in China since 1970. In the meantime, he organized 7 scientific expeditions and collected the first valuable Ningqiang Carbonaceous chondrite in China. Then because of his special experience on September 16th 1971, he began to study the UFOs in China and extraterrestrial civilization, and fully researched on 8 different types of UFOs, including spiral-like, fan-like and blob-like ones. He also brought up a new idea on UFO quantitative scientific analysis.
Lin Zhang
博士,南京大学生命科学学院。主要研究方向:一种最近十分流行的小分子miRNA。张琳所在的研究组发现植物的微小核糖核酸(miRNA)可以通过日常食物摄取的方式进入人体血液和组织器官。并且一旦进入体内,它们将通过调控人体内靶基因表达的方式影响人体的生理功能,进而发挥生物学作用。这项研究不仅有助于深入了解microRNA作用机理,而且对于未来的临床治疗也具有巨大潜在作用。这一成果公布在Cell research杂志上。Zhang Lin
Doctor of NJU School of Life Sciences major in a kind of popular little molecule 'miRNA' Nowadays DNA is known by most of us, however it still need RNA to help to play its part. The research group of Zhang found the small miRNA of plants is able to get into human's blood and organs by foods. And while in the body it affects human's physiological function by adjusting the expression mode of target genes in the human body. This research will help to deeply understand the mechanism of microRNA and its potential application in future clinical treatment. The result of research is published on Cell Research.
Juan Du
杜涓,CNature基金会秘书长。 主修新闻学学士和大众传媒硕士。 擅长公益创新思维,先后提出“创意公益”和“跨界公益”两大非主流公益新概念。 带领团队先后组织策划了“乐色起义”、 “希冀创生”、 “公益达人汇”、“沙棘树之恋”、 “沙漠潮人团”、 “跨界拍卖”等以“公益 × ”系列公益项目和活动。主张公益机构要突破同行的思维壁垒和限制,撬动社会其他行业的资源与影响力。 Du Juan, secretary-general of CNature Foundation, earned a journalism degree and a master’s degree in mass media.
Specializing in putting forward innovative ideas of public welfare, he created two new concepts outside the mainstream called “Creative public welfare” and “Cross-border public welfare”. And he organized some projects such as “Lese Revolution” “Hope(希冀创生)” “公益达人汇” “Hippophae rhamnoides Love(沙棘树之恋)” “Desert Trendy Way(沙漠潮人团)” “Cross-border auction(跨界拍卖)”. He thought that in order to combine with the resources and influences of other groups, NGOs should make breakthrough in releasing the imprisoned thoughts.
XiMin Bai
白錫旼,東海大學建築系畢業,大地再造公司董事長,曾任台鼎建設董事長,曾任台灣東海大學中區校友會會長 以創建理想國而聞名,一直在建築革新的道路上實踐著烏托邦家園的理想,即使艱辛,但始終依循著-『在理想與現實之間,訂定一個利他的目標,從利他的過程走出自己。』這樣的人生觀逐步實踐 白錫旼先生所創建的理想國曾在台灣轟動一時,烏托邦式的理想家園真的可以實現嗎?一幫富有理想和激情的建築師們通過不斷的實踐,給我們的家園,生活環境帶來了很大的影響。(民國七十六年以前,這片位於大肚山麓的社區稱為遠東城,住的多屬中低收入戶,住屋率僅三成,成為藏污納垢的荒廢社區。七十六年底,台鼎建設將這個老舊社區全面更新為有藝術街坊、社會大學的同級住宅「理想國」。) Bai Ximin, graduated from Tunghai University Department of Architecture. He is the chairman of Land Recycling Corporation, the former chairman of Tai-Ding Development Corporation and the former chairman of Tunghai University Alumni Association. He is known for his idea of building architectural Utopias. Although it is hard to keep a balance between idealism and realism, he persists in being altruistic. He believes that doing good to others is the best way to realize his self-value.
The “Utopia” designed by Bai Xiwen caused a sensation in Taiwan. It has raised a question in people’s mind: Is it really possible to build a home like Utopia? A bunch of idealistic, enthusiastic architects have brought great change to our living environment through their continuing practice. (Before 1987, the area at the foot of Mountain Datu was called Far Eastern District of which most residents were low wage earners. Only 30% of the housing had been used, so gradually the area was deserted. At the end of 1987, Tai-Ding Development Corporation reconstructed this area into a “Utopia” with artstreets and community colleges.)
Cheng Shen
小提琴家,中国音乐家协会会员。现为南京艺术学院音乐学院教授,硕士生导师。江苏室内乐团首席兼副团长,新古典室内乐队创建人及艺术指导。曾任南京艺术学院实验乐团首席,中日联合交响乐团首席,江苏联合交响乐队首席。 2010年 何占豪(《梁祝》作者)作曲、小提琴演奏家沈琤改编的小提琴与乐队《莫愁女幻想曲》首度亮相,沈琤亲任小提琴独奏,并由旅美指挥家徐志廉教授指挥,南京艺术学院青年交响乐团倾情演绎,莫愁湖畔的动人传说在小提琴和交响乐团的悠扬旋律中,将中西方文化实现了完美对接,反响空前。Shen Cheng, a well-known modern violinist, a member of Chinese Musicians Association. She is now an professor in Nanjing University of the Arts and a research supervisor. She is the chairman of Jiangsu Chamber Orchestra and the founder as well as the advisor of the contemporary classical chamber orchestra. She was the former chairman of the experimental orchestra of Nanjing University of the Arts, the former chairman of China-Japan joint Symphony Orchestra, and the former chairman of Jiangsu Symphony Orchestra. In 2010, the violin version of “Lady Mochou”, which was composed by He Zhanhao who is famous for his “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai” gave its first performance. It was adapted and played by Shen Cheng and conducted by Professor Xu Zhilian. It received high praise for the fine performance, beautiful story, impressive melody and the perfect combination of Western and Eastern art.
Ye Huang
黄烨 教育界、主持界跨界达人。在教育方面,被学生奉为“麻辣教师”,曾获江苏省赛课第一名。在主持方面,十四年来主持婚礼及庆典活动两千余场,被称作江苏及华东地区创意型策划主持的领军人物。
Huang Ye:Intelligent person both in education and hosting area. He is called 'Great Teacher' by students and won the first prize of competition of teaching in Jiangsu Province. He also is the leader in hosting especially in Jiangsu and east of China area who hosted Wedding and celebration over 2000 times in past 14 years.
David Lee
李大维,中国首个hacker空间新车间创始人。 李大维已经在网络和软件行业从业15年,并一直致力于软件开源运动。他曾参与史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格的互动式多媒体项目、迪士尼虚拟世界、日本IT企业项目和facebook的社交应用设计。David Lee,founder of XinChejian, the first hackerspace in China) Li has been in Internet and software industries for 15 years and has actively participated in open source movement for 20 years. He worked on interactive multimedia projects led by Steven Spielberg, virtual world project of Disney, enterprise IT project in Japan and social applications in Facebook.
ShuXian Zhao
赵树宪:南京绒花工作室创办人 省级非物质物化遗产传承人南京绒花历史悠久,武则天时,南京绒花便作为扬州绒花列为皇室贡品,到了明代已有相当规模。民间一事三节普遍有以绒花装饰只风俗,寓吉祥祝福之意。赵树宪老师为省级非物质文化遗产传承人 南京首届工艺美术大师,绒花技艺的唯一传承者。经历了绒花的繁荣(计划经济时 出口外汇的有利贡献者)到衰落(非遗)的整个历程,他言语犀利幽默,以一个传统文化的守望者角度通过工作室中的形形色色叙述了传统文化在当今社会的地位以及进行文化传承创新的独特思索。
Zhao Shuxian
The founder of Nanjing tassel flower studio. Provincial-level materialized intangible heritage inheritor. The Nanjing tassel flower with long history once was the royal tribute in Wuzetian period and popular in Ming Dynasty. The tassel flower means luck and bless among the people. Mr. Zhao, as the provincial-level intangible heritage inheritor, the first master of arts and crafts and the only inheritor of tassel flower art, experienced the blooming to declining of this kind of art. In sharp and humor words he will share you his unique view about traditional culture in today's social status and the cultural heritage of innovation.
Gustav Astrom
古思达,瑞士人 ,SXL星诺咨询CEO .1999年18岁时就在新媒体领域创立了自己的第一家公司。 作为创业家和职业经理人,他在中国有着7年的工作经历。StarGustav Astrom CEO of SXL GroupGustav Astrom is a native of Sweden and has been active in China as entrepreneur and Manager of foreign startups for more than 7 years. An entrepreneur from early age he founded his first venture in 1999 at the age of 18 within the new media sector.
Kejia Li
华海资本(香港)新技术项目投资合伙人,CAPE技术顾问曾在北京和上海供职于传播咨询业的行业TOP,2006年成立了自己的第一家公司,并于2010年正式回到自己的创业公司,从事新媒体传播技术创新,成功操作公司商业模式转型,1年时间内,获得超过之前10倍的市场回报并快速建立起行业口碑。他从事2.0事业,更擅长用2.0的方式来经营和管理公司。至今,已经是3家科技公司的主要股东成员,并投资多家初创企业。长期为青年文化创意项目,年轻独立品牌提供市场和技术方向的专业咨询和支持。同时也是new media cafe杂志的发起人兼总编辑,新媒体传播技术实验室nmc labs联合创办人,专注于新技术驱动的数字媒体传播和enterprise2.0相关产品研究Li Kejia, partner of new technology project investment in Huahai Capital (Hong Kong), technical consultant of CAPE, founded his own company in 2006. He keeps providing professional marketing and technological advices for cultural and creative projects of teenager、new and independent brand. Meanwhile, as founder and editor of chief of new media café,and co-founder of technology of new media communication labs, he focuses his research on digital media communication driven by new technology and products related with enterprise2.0.
Peter Su
新加坡人,广告设计师。华文广告圈无法忽视的名字,叱咤创意圈数载,囊括几乎所有的全球广告大奖,曾任盛世长城国际广告东北亚及大中华区首席创意总监,多次担任戛纳广告节评审,迈阿密广告学院亚太地区广告及文化常任讲师,ONE SHOW资深创意顾问。苏秋平曾获美国纽约广告节的金奖、台湾时报广告奖、亚太广告奖和新加坡、香港广告创意奖,1990年甚至包括了新加坡CCA和亚太的所有中文奖苏秋平更是第一位曾经担任过台湾、香港、北京三地广告奖的评审。代表作品三菱汽车——《独一无二三菱》、东芝(TOSHIBA)电视机 ,中国银行、仲量行地产、CALTEX、3M、DHL等。只有高校学历的他在一路上留下几许战绩。如在新加坡开拓了中文广告的先河,并一而再,再而三总揽了中文奖项。也多次以中文作品获得国际和亚太区奖项,其中两次是当年亚太区唯一获奖的中文作品。他多次受邀参与东南亚、港台、中国、亚太地区和国际广告大赛的评审,其中也包括了1996年受中国专家局与人才交流协会在北京主办的首届华人平面设计大奖,也是中国全广展首位受邀的海外评委。Su Quiping,Peter Soh,Singaporean, ad designerWhy should welisten to him:Su Qiuping, a personwho cannot be ignored in the field of Chinese advertising , received almost allglobal advertising awards and was the chief creative director of Saatchi &Saatchi in northeast Asia and the greater China. As a permanent lecturerteaching ad & culture in Miami Ad School (the Asian-Pacific region) and seniorcreative consultant in ONE SHOW , he has the been the judge of CannesAdvertising Festival for several times. The awards he received includes:Golden medal in The New York Festivals, Advertising Award (Taiwan), AsiaPacific Advertising AwardsBest Creativity AdAwards in Singapore and Hong Kong. In 1990.he got almost every Chinese rewardin Singapore and CCA and Asia Pacific area, even more ,he was the first judge ofad awards in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Beijing.