Once a year, the world’s most powerful ideas are shared live on TED conference stage in Vancouver, Canada.
TEDxTorino is proud to bring you the entire premiere streaming of from TED2018: The Age of Amazement.
We hope that talks you watch in these premiere will spark an exiting conversation about our shared future.
By coming to this event you will be part of the TED global community with a shared mission of spreading idea.
Our community welcomes people of every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.
We believe passionately in the power of Ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.
And we hope this will be a small step in this direction.
Found out more on www.tedxtorinorino.com and ted.494399.xyz
L'evento, gratuito, sarà in INGLESE.
Il programma completo con elenco speaker e descrizione sessioni si trova qui
Potrete scegliere se partecipare a tutte le sessioni o alle singole, a seconda del biglietto scelto!
Via Giuseppe Giacosa 36
Torino, Piemonte, 10125
- Event type:
- TEDxLive (What is this?)