TEDxChange 2012 is a TEDx event co-organized by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and TED. Convened by Melinda French Gates and hosted by Chris Anderson, TEDxChange will focus on issues surrounding global health and development. TEDxChange type events are TEDx events hosted around the live webcast of TEDxChange, and also feature local speakers. Our event is called TEDxNanjingChange, and is one of many TEDx events happening around the globe on April 5th that will expand on the ideas brought up at TEDxChange 2010.
We will have a screening of the official TEDxChange videos at Nanjing on April 7th and we will invite local innovators who also cares about global health and development to come and participate in the event.
detailed info (Chinese/English)
The Big Picture 放眼全局
关于本次活动 TEDxChange2012 – 2012年4月5日
柏林直播发起:Melinda French Gates
主持:Chris Anderson
在当今经济气候的影响下,人们都只顾着为自己家庭的眼下需求操心。其实,我们应当比以往更加清楚地认识到,我们是人类社会的一部分,在这里,全球各地的人们相互依存。与此同时,在这个社会中,还有太多的人连最基本的需求都无法满足,没有食物,没有洁净的饮用水,必要时也得不到药物治疗或接种疫苗。 我们,不能再这样下去了。 在2012年4月5日这天,我们将退后一步以放眼全局——作为一个社会,我们为什么要坚定不移地投资世界卫生和发展?我们怎样才能跨越国界与政治界限以便做出更多积极的改变?另外,我们能从这种投资中获得怎样的回报?既定嘉宾 Melinda Gates
Melinda Gates是比尔&梅林达盖兹基金会的联席主席。她参与了基金会的整体方向的制定,为基金会拟订战略、分析工作结果,及宣传基金会的工作。Melinda将讨论家庭规划这一主题,并阐述计划是如何改善妇女及其家庭生活的,计划的力量是如何引领整个社会进步的。
Jeff Chapin
Jeff Chapin 是大卫-凯利设计公司的一名机械工程师兼产品设计师,主要从事为发展中国家设计卫生清洁系统的工作,已在撒哈拉以南地区及南亚地区组织过项目。Jeff将强调市场主导型可持续系统对发展中社会的重要性,并挑战人们对“设计”这一概念的传统认识。
Sven Giegold
Sven Giegold,欧洲议会的一员,同时也是Attac Germany的创始人之一,长期致力于绿色工业事业。他将着重探讨集体行动的力量,阐述个人、集体行为及进步企业行为是如何在全国或全球范围内引领变革的。
Theo Sowa
Theo Sowa是一名独立顾问兼咨询师,致力于国际社会发展事业,尤其关注冲突事件中的儿童权益与保护问题。她目前正担任非洲妇女发展基金会(一个泛非洲妇女赠款组织)的临时CEO。出生于加纳的她不仅在英国、欧洲、美国生活过,还曾于非洲的许多国家居住与工作。她的工作包括为非洲及其他地区的妇女、儿童权益保护运动及其领导者提供咨询建议,并参与多个国际机构、组织的政策调整与宣传工作。
Baaba Maal
Baaba Maal是一名塞内加尔歌手兼吉他手,出生于塞内加尔河畔的波多尔。作为富拉尼语民族传统的重要促进者,Baaba主要用富拉尼语演唱,目前已发行了多张演唱专辑。2003年7月,Baaba Maal被任命为联合国开发计划署的青年使者。2012年3月,他随同牛津饥荒赈灾会前往毛里塔尼亚,号召萨赫勒地区的人们关注由于食物危机带来的人道主义需求。另外他还是由纳尔逊•曼德拉发起的“4664运动”大使。在妇女及少女权益保护方面,Baaba Maal也越发具有影响力。
Berlin Speakers
Sven Giegold
Sven Giegold is a Member of the European Parliament and one of the founding members of Attac Germany. Sven has dedicated much of his career towards green industry issues, speaking out on issues of globalization, ecology, and tax policy. He devoted over 15 years to voluntary work in the youth environmental movement, and today is a representative of Friends of the Earth Germany. He holds a University degree in Adults Education, Policy and Economics in Lüneburg, Bremen and Birmingham and a Master’s degree in Economic Policy and Economic Development at the University of Birmingham (UK).
Jeff Chapin
Jeff Chapin uses design as a means to address longstanding social and environmental issues that exist in developing countries and in his homeland of the United States. He strongly believes in a user-led approach to design, engaging local communities in the research, ideation and testing that leads to new products and services. He currently leads an array of projects at IDEO and frequently collaborates with iDE (International Development Enterprises). Jeff strongly believes in the market as a means to address social issues and applies the lens of design across all aspects of supply and demand.
Theo Sowa
Theo Sowa is an independent advisor and consultant, specialising in international social development with a particular emphasis on children’s rights and protection issues, especially in conflict situations. She is currently the Interim CEO of the African Women’s Development Fund, a pan African women’s grant making organisation. Born in Ghana, she has lived and worked in many countries in Africa, as well as the UK, Europe, and the USA. Her work includes advisory roles to African and other international women and children’s rights activists and leaders, plus policy development and advocacy with a variety of international agencies and organisations.
Baaba Maal
Baaba Maal is a Senegalese singer and guitarist born in Podor, on the Senegal River. Baaba sings primarily in Pulaar and is the foremost promoter of the traditions of the Pulaar-speaking peoples. He has released several albums. In July 2003, Baaba was made a UNDP Youth Emissary. In March 2012 he visited Mauritania with Oxfam to call attention to the humanitarian need resulting from the food crisis in the Sahel. Also an Ambassador for Nelson Mandela’s 46664 campaign, he has become an increasingly vocal champion for the rights of women and girls.
Melinda Gates
Melinda Gates serves as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She helps shape and approve foundation strategies, review results, advocate for foundation issues, and set the overall direction of the organization. She received a bachelor’s degree from Duke University in 1986 and a master’s degree in business administration from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business in 1987. Since retiring from Microsoft in 1996, she has dedicated her energy toward the nonprofit world.
Institute of Soil Science ,Chinese Academy of Science
Nanjing, 210005
- Event type:
- TEDxChange Simulcast (What is this?)
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.