우리가 살아가는 세상에는 수많은 한계와 벽이 존재합니다.
한계는 우리를 압박하고 주어진 현실에 순응하게 만들지만, 누군가는 그 속에서 스스로의 길을 만들어 나갑니다.
그리고 그들이 모여 새로운 사회를 이루죠.
우리는 이처럼 한계를 돌파하고 나아가는 것을 ‘해방’이라고 정의했습니다.
삶의 궤도 위, 연결고리처럼 이어진 크고 작은 해방은 우리의 삶을 연속시킵니다.
당신은 어디로부터 해방되고 싶나요?
당신의 해방이 가리키는 방향은 어디인가요?
누군가의 발걸음에 맞춰 걸었던 우리는 제약으로부터, 시선으로부터, 가치로부터의 해방을 함께할 수 있었습니다.
잠시 그 해방의 순간을 경험하시겠어요?
There are many limitations and walls in the world we live in.
Limits pressure us and make us conform to a given reality, but someone creates their own path in it.
And they come together and form a new society.
We defined 'liberation' to break through the limits and move forward like this.
On the trajectory of life, the liberation of large and small, which continues like a link, continues our lives.
Where do you want to be freed?
What direction does your liberation point to?
Walking in line with someone's steps, we were able to share a liberation from constraints, from sight, from values.
Would you like to experience that moment of liberation for a moment?
1732, Deokyeong-daero, Giheung-gu
1st Floor
Yongin-si, Gyeonggido, 17104
South Korea
- Event type:
- University (What is this?)
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.
Donghun Lee
Coronavirus map Developer / "Technology allows us to expand access to information beyond the limits of time and space and lead a more creative and valuable life for humans."
a coronavirus map developer / Representative of LinkWizDom / (Former) OMELET full stack lead / (Former) CEO of Corona Map / (Former) the modak CTOHeawon Park
The representative of Hidden Book / "Through books and culture, we provide a new experience where people are free to communicate and free from values."
Share Seoul Mayor's Award / Hyundai Motor Company H-On Dream Award / Woori Bank's We-star AwardKay Kim
CEO of K& Arts / "We overcome the limitations of prejudice and fashion through fusion Korean traditional music contents with the theme of cultural heritage."
Producer of fusion Korean traditional music 'VIDAN' / (Former) Soria Group Planning Director / (Former) head of PAN Entertainment's music planning team / (Former) SM Entertainment production team leaderKyoung Jun Lee
AI engineer and professor of business at Kyung Hee University / "With technology and AI agents, we overcome human constraints and limitations, grow intellectual capital and see new possibilities in life."
Director of Kyung Hee University Big Data Research Center, Research Foundation-focused research center / Chairman and Executive Director of the AI Research Society of the Korea Management Information Society / Chairman, AI Business Application Research Group, Korea Institute of Management / Professor of AI&BM Laboratory (AI-BM.net )Organizing team
Bae Jeongeun
Partnerships/Sponsorship -
Bichwi You
Partnerships/Sponsorship -
Bokyung Kim
Partnerships/Sponsorship -
Daae Ko
Curation -
Eungyo Kim
Operations -
Eunkyeul Jung
Curation -
Gyuwon Kim
Marketing/Communications -
Hyojin Lee
Curation -
Jieun Yoo
Partnerships/Sponsorship -
Jiyoun Shin
Curation -
Junhyeog Ryu
Curation -
Juyeon Kim
Operations -
Kim Su min
Operations -
Operations -
Minseo Kim
Partnerships/Sponsorship -
Noh Gayeong
Marketing/Communications -
Sooyoung Kim
Marketing/Communications -
Yujae Jeong
Partnerships/Sponsorship -
경담 김
Marketing/Communications -
장 소영
Marketing/Communications -
Operations -
허 서윤
Marketing/Communications -
희경 이