Lei Ge
Ge Lei, torchbearer for both 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and 2012 London Olympic Games, is a traveller, a volunteer and the one stick to his dream. He spent ten years in travelling to 34 provinces in China and 20 countries. Pedaled around Taiwan, Hainan Island and Qinghai Lake, he wrote a book entitled Travel Notes on Pedaling around Taiwan. He now serves as the General Manager of Marketing Department of China Youth Travel Service (CYTS) Tours Holding Co., Ltd.
Xiang Dong Qu
著名节目主持人、电视策划人。曾是中央电视台经济时评节目《经济半小时》主持人,并参与创办主持著名经济访谈节目《对话》。2003年至今担任社会文化访谈节目《大家》主持人。2006年他策划发起中印友好年大型文化考察活动“玄奘之路”,此后又倡导发起“玄奘之路国际商学院戈壁挑战赛”。Qu Xiangdong
A well-known television presenter, the former host of the programme “Economic Half-Hour” of CCTV, one of the co-founders of “Dialogue”, a famous Chinese interview program about economy. Qu Xiangdong is now hosting another interview program about Chinese culture and society “Dajiang”. In 2006, He organized “The Pilgrimage Journey of Xuanzang”, traveling with a group of Chinese scholars, economists and entrepreneurs along the road which Xuanzang took in his overland journey to India 1400 years ago, aiming to help people’s understanding and redefying the spirit of China.
Rui Zhao
Zhao Rui
Zhao Rui, a biographer and journalist, graduated in 1992 from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the Nanjing Normal University, majoring in ancient documents. Her biographical literatures include Wu Jianxiong, Minnie Vautrin: A Melancholy Year of 1937 and A Saint on the Altarz: Lin Zhao. She also writes collections of proses and letters, including Reading Dreams, Notes of A Single Mother and Wind Blowing Over Ears. Her works were once selected into Fifty Years of Literature in Jiangsu Province and A Ranking List of Chinese Proses in 2011,and were granted the Literature and Art Award by the municipal city of Nanjing.
ZhiMing Tian
东南大学电子工程学硕士;2003年移居北京担任清华大学出版社编辑,后于北京草场地工作站从事当代剧场创作和表演,创作并参演剧场作品《痕迹》、《我们你们他们》、《大眼睛小眼睛》。2009年田志明编剧作品《我们你们他们》参加中欧青年编导交流计划在欧洲巡回演出。作为演员,他还曾参加作品《外地人》在德国和南京的表演。2008年田志明回到南京于大学任教,2011年辞职,次年在南京创建“魔法学校”,发起和推广“在家上学”和“家庭互助教育”Tian Zhiming
Tian Zhiming graduated from Southeast University and got master degree in Electronic Engineering. In 2003, he moved to Beijing to be an editor of Tsinghua University Press, then he devoted himself to contemporary playwriting and performing. He wrote and participated in the performance of Trace, We You They and Big Eyes; Small Eyes. In 2009, his work We You They took part in the European tour of the Exchange Project for Sino-European Young Directors. After returning to Nanjing in 2008, he taught in a university and then, resigned in 2011. In the following year, he established the "Magic School" in Nanjing, launching and promoting activities of "Study at Home" and "Mutual Educational Assistance among Families".
Huan Wang
王欢,网名“北国”,女性,爱工作,爱生活,爱旅行。 十多年前,从黄土高原来到长江下游平原;大学毕业后一直从事企业HR工作,现职业为人力资源猎头顾问。 喜欢一个人上路。爬过尼泊尔的雪山,穿越过老挝,走过中东以色列巴勒斯坦约旦三国,斯里兰卡马六甲。2012年国庆,完成单人单车的台湾环岛骑行。Wang Huan
Wang Huan, female, her online screen name is "The North". She loves to work and travel, with great passion of life. More than a decade ago, she left the loess plateau for the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain. After graduating from college, she has been engaged in HR work and became a HR head-hunting consultant by now. She loves to take a journey alone. She climbed over the snow mountain in Nepal, traveled across the Laos, and passed three countries in the Middle East including Israel, Palestine and Jordan. She has also been to Sri Lanka and Malacca. During the National Day in 2012, She finished riding all around Taiwan with one bicycle all by herself.
JunLong Chen
Chen Junlong
Chen Junlong is a college student from aircraft engineering department of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is a volunteer of ecological protection station of Tuo Tuo River, which belongs to the "Green River" organization.
HongYu Cheng
成红雨 & 红.凯尔特竖琴社
成红雨,旅德华裔音乐人,东西方音乐交流工作者。社团介绍:“红.凯尔特竖琴”社团,目前主要由参与南艺音乐学院凯尔特竖琴任选课的师生们组成,并立志于将这美好的音乐类型传递分享给更多有相同趣味的人们。担任此课程的成红雨老师,多年以来往返中欧两地,进行东西方音乐文化交流和传播工作。近年作为凯尔特竖琴音乐文化的推动者, 于2009年正式把凯尔特竖琴音乐从德国带回,植入中国土地,并开展了一系列文化沙龙公益活动,逐步让中国人群了解到凯尔特竖琴这一欧洲古老 民间乐器的魅力,与人们一同分享凯尔特竖琴之美,和与之相随的人类精神财富。
Cheng Hongyu & Red. Celtic Harp Club
Cheng Hongyu, a German musician of Chinese origin, is the promoter of Western and Eastern music exchanges.
Introduction of the club: The Red Celtic Harp Club is composed of teachers and students from Nanjing Art Institute, with a mission of popularizing this kind of musical genre and sharing it with people who have the same interest. Over the years, Cheng, the teacher of the course, has traveled between China and Europe for many times to prompt the cultural exchanges and communications between the two different cultures. As a promoter of Celtic Harp, she introduced Celtic Harp from German to China in 2009. To raise people’s awareness of the attractiveness of this ancient European musical instrument, she organized a series of cultural salons, which are also charitable activities. Through these activities, she shares the human spiritual civilization with Chinese people.